Leland Clipperton

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year?

Happy New Year!
This is a common sentiment heard by many over the last 6 days. It signifies a marker in time... in our history... that we metaphorically begin... again! An opportunity to make desired change in your life!

Are there issues or concerns that you need to be addressing? Things that you have been procrastinating? Not sure of how to approach this new year?

I am aware of two truths... when what I'm thinking isn't creating the desired result or outcome, I know that I have to do something different! But... why haven't I already done something different? There is often a significant block indicated by this that needs to be identified in order to move forward with the "something different". It is often a result of a fear of some kind that seems to impair our ability to create a different outcome.

This year why not vow to yourself to find out what that may be? Make creating a new plan easier...

We have the most say in what will happen in our individual lives this year (as always)... being specifically pro-active and dealing with those reasons and justifications that may crop up in your minds differently will help.

Learn to accomplish more of what you want by finding out why you may not have done that before... I can help you get there. Don't wait! only 359 days until next year!

Imagine what you can do in a year!

Until later,
705 999-2107 (office)
905 510-9117 (iphone)

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